Kitchen Extensions on a Victorian Terrace house - Can they still be constructed without
formal Planning Permission?
The design of most traditional Victorian terraced houses usually have a rear projection
or tower often housing the kitchen and bathroom at he ground floor level - well originally anyway. This rear
projection often left a gap to one of the neighbouring boundaries which was very popular for filling in with a
kitchen extension. Until October 2008, most could be constructed under the sited permitted development allowances
without formal Planning Permission.
After this date the PD rules changed and many kitchen extensions to Victorian terrace houses can no longer be
erected under permitted development. This is mainly due to technicalities with the wording of the new PD rules
which are at best vague and at worst very confusing. Even the appeal inspectors cannot agree on some real core
issues of detail.
Therefore, our recommendation is to seek professional advise from an experienced house extension designer or
architect right from the start as many of these side/rear infill kitchen extensions to Victorian Terraced houses
are no longer allowed even under formal Planning Consent. This is because most kitchen extensions to Victorian
terraced houses will interfere or block rights of light to the adjoining neighbours habitable room windows.
Most Planning policy for which house extensions are judged against will have some form of policy wording on
protecting neighbours light to habitable room windows and to their private amenity areas. Much of this planning
policy is very restrictive and simplistic which is usually enough ammunition for the Planners to refuse your
kitchen extension on a Victorian terrace house.
Sometimes it is possible to amend the design of the kitchen extension on a Victorian terraced house by trying to
reduce its height and bulk to minimal levels. If this is possible the homeowner is still able to benefit from the
additional floor area created but within the extension there may be an element of reduced head height from the
sloping ceiling line for example.