Garage Conversion Examples - how to find them.
Many homeowners seek inspiration for their garage conversion for additional ideas
and alternatives prior to engaging their own garage conversion designer or architect. There is a variety of sources
out their that can be easily accessed for a homeowners research which are described below.
1 - The internet - Simply search for the term ‘garage conversion’ under google images UK will reveal a
host of garage conversions usually from gallery photos of other designers, architects and builders proud of their
work and offering for viewing to prospective clients.
2 - Local Council Planning Departments - Most councils these days offer a ‘public access’ system to view
previous planning applications and certificate of lawful development applications for permitted development
schemes. Many allow you to search under types of development so researching the Council Planning register can
reveal other peoples examples of garage conversion schemes.
3 - Walk around you own local area and look for them - See something you like that appears well built? -
go knock on their doors and request some information on who they used - they may even invite you in to view if they
are proud of what they have achieved.