Garage Conversion Design - what value does an experienced house extension expert
Most garage conversions are fairly easy to design with regard to the layout. Simply by
their siting and size often dictates how they can be used an assimilated into the main dwelling including access.
The harder par of the garage conversion design is detailing and specifying the physical method of the upgrade and
adaptation works required.
Like all building works there are a variety of ways to obtain the finished job. Each elemental method of the
upgrade and conversion works will be affected by the practicalities of each conversion. Things that can effect a
garage conversion design can include floor level dimension differences that will dictate the method of thermally
upgrading the garage floor. Method of new drains for say a utility room drain or back inlet gully will be affected
by how close the existing drains are and how easy it is for extending or connecting to. An alternative drainage
system may require a Saniflow pumped macerator unit.
The list of considerations are many fold and exploration of the issues and options with your own house extension
designer or architect right at the beginning of the garage conversion design is often the best way forward. It
isn’t really rocket science but getting the best value from the best design solution presented is and many
homeowners will not be able to appreciate or fully recognise these facts or considerations without using an
experienced and qualified house extension designer.
Many homeowners see the use of anyone completing drawings and specification work for applications and approvals
as just a means to an end and value more the input of their builder. The mindset of this type of homeowner usually
end up employing ‘plan drawers’ at cheapest price simply to overcome this issue of plans and compliance.
Regretfully however, most builders implementing these type of plans that have not had the benefit of a
‘considered design approach’ end up criticising the scheme and implementing their own ‘practicality lead’ ideas and
solutions that often end up in excessive claims of extra costs thereby negating any cost savings at the initial
design stages of a garage conversion.