Garage Conversion Architect or Designer - Do you actually need one?
This question arises more often with smaller, lower end dwellings in less desirable
areas than in high value homes in sort after areas. Many home owners on lower family incomes are always trying to
save on costs and who can blame them. However, guess where the majority of cowboy builders or poorly finished
garage conversion schemes end up - Yep, you guessed it.
So what price is advise and a well prepared design for the garage conversion. If the home owner simply sees any
design work (drawings and specifications) as simply a means to an end for moving on with the builder on site then
they do not value the time spent with a professional house extension designer. These homeowners deserve whatever
will be of the final outcome (usually settled within the small clams courts).
Very few architects or house extension designers simply specialise in the one area of garage conversions and
those that do usually have an interest or control of a garage conversion company to later install the work. Perhaps
they offer a design and build service. These types of ‘all inclusive’ or ‘one stop shop’ companies tend to
concentrate in towns and cities.
So, to the original question - do you need a garage conversion architect or design is yes in my view unless the
homeowner has some skills and contacts within the local building trade who can manage the works for themselves. Any
‘lay person’ usually requires help and advise in order to obtain a satisfactory and compliant garage conversion no
matter what type of house or income level they may come from.