Refurbish what you have or extend?
Many homes can swallow in cash a refurbishment project that a decent house
extension would cost. So, where do you spend your money? Bring the current house up to standard or simply ignore
the current property shortfalls and go for the added space first?
Ideally, it should be a combination of the two but if I was to choose, refurbishing the current property first
would be my choice. What is the point of having that lovely family kitchen extension if the existing property is
falling down around your ears. Apart from the extra space there is no real added value.
A holistic approach needs to be adopted for any property extension. Some home owners take a longer term view
which for finishing the property which is right if you have a 5 year minimum plan to live there.
However, if you have your developer head on then you really cannot afford to sell on a half baked extended home
extension dwelling that is deficient in other areas.
As always, seek advise form a home extension designer and have a proper plan. Always extend a home for your own
quality of life requirements first rather than simply doing it for the money. Money well spent on added value items
or areas is the best comprise.