The correct choice and use of materials can have a massive impact on your carbon footprint
and at the same time save you money without necessarily compromising appearance.
• Timber is perhaps the most environmentally acceptable material used in modern construction. However, this only
applies if it is from sustainably managed forests, for example carrying Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC)
• Store carefully, only order and bring to site when and what is needed.
• Minimum waste, extra skips are expensive and should be avoided.
• Brick production is energy intensive. Therefore consider using old bricks wherever possible. Existing bricks
removed during alteration works can be dressed and cleaned for re-use and may well look better and match the
existing property more effectively.
• Cement, as with brick, has an energy intensive production process and should be used sparingly.
• Concrete Blocks, provide good levels of thermal insulation but have an energy intensive production